Extreme Makeover Blog: Lost almost 100 pounds (still losing!) as I makeover both the insides and the outsides. Join me on this journey and please feel free to share this with people you know!
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Monday, February 7, 2011
Ten Thousand Words
One of my (many) favorite Avett Brothers songs is Ten Thousand Words. You can click the song above to hear it. One part of the lyrics states:
Ain’t it like most people? I’m no different
We love to talk on things we don’t know about
Ain’t it like most people? I’m no different
We love to talk on things we don’t know about
I write almost every day now as part of my blog and it's funny - I am writing on things I don't know about. I guess the fun is we're learning together! I don't know what it's like to work out every day and be fit. I don't know what it's like to instinctively make healthy food choices. I don't know what it's like to just be a normal body size and do things with ease physically.
But I'm definitely learning and by the end of this whole process? I'll be talking on things I LIVED first hand and I WILL know about them! Ha! Then Seth and Scott Avett will have to come up with a new song for me. It's the least they can do since I'm converting the world into Avett fans, one friend at a time. hehe
Sorry to make you type in the "word verification" but I have been getting a ton of spammers lately. Just type in the word that you see and it should go through.
Never heard this song before -ty Its beautiful, just like you.